
Khandige organic Brahmi Powder | improves memory power | improves concentration .

Original price was: ₹80.00.Current price is: ₹70.00.

Improves memory, intelligence and concentration Useful in treating spell check Antioxidant properties Helps reduce the effects of stress on the brain Supports proper functioning of nervous system. Strengthens hair roots Suggested Use for Brahmi Powder 2 teaspoons once a day after a meal with milk or water in the morning (14 years and above)

577 in stock


Brahmi is great for improving brain function and enhancing memory. Brahmi is an excellent herb that stimulates the activity of the nervous system, improving memory and concentration,and is described in the ancient Ayurvedic scriptures. Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hridaya are considered “Medhya Rasayana” or brain rejuvenating plants. In ancient Ayurvedic scriptures, Brahmi belongs to the Medhya (mind) herbal group.

Additional information

Weight 75 g


Brahmi (Bscopa monnieri)


  • Brahmi is used as Memory booster and a Brain tonic.
  • Promotes Relaxation, Supports Calmness, and Clarity.
  • Rejuvenates and nurtures the nervous system.
  • It is very helpful for students as it improves concentration.

How to use

5 to 10gm with milk   once or Twice a day


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